Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Moca Medical Diagnostic Application

Well i think this application actually gives hint of what can be an imaginative use of development for Web 2.0 & free Linux software like Android. Moca is an Android based application for HTC G1 which merges mobile technologies & telehealth. It is designed to provide better medical diagnostic, screening, and therapeutic services in developing nations & remote under-served areas. This application is actually based on the fact that nearly 80% to 90% of world population is under some kind of network connectivity through tower infrastructures.

provides an Android application for medical screening which integrates a Linux server application and the open source OpenMRS medical records database. The Moca app is designed to be used by nurses and careworkers who work from clinics or mobile vans from remote areas sent out to remote villages.

Moca choosed Android as its target platform because of it being open source which may lead to lost cost handsets. Also Moca developers choosed Android because of its high end camera feature & advanced application development environment.

To deal with the various problems related to existing global cellular framework Moca developers provide innovative technolgies for packetization, synchronization, and multimodal communications . For more you can visit mocamobile website.